In this tutorial we will walk you through the basics of routing with
the shiny.router
In a web application, routing is the process of using URLs to drive the user interface. Routing adds more possibilities and flexibility while building a complex and advanced web application, offering dividing app into separated sections.
Let’s build together a simple app that has two subpages and captures the data from url parameters.
We start by importing the packages.
Next, we create the content of our subpages: “home” and “another”.
home_page <- div(
titlePanel("Home page"),
p("This is the home page!"),
another_page <- div(
titlePanel("Another page"),
p("This is the another page!"),
Optionally, we can create a menu to easier navigate on our webapp:
menu <- tags$ul(
tags$li(a(class = "item", href = route_link("/"), "Main")),
tags$li(a(class = "item", href = route_link("another"), "Another page")),
Now, we create an output for our router in main UI of Shiny app. We
also add sliderInput
to test its functionality.
ui <- fluidPage(
route("/", home_page),
route("another", another_page)
sliderInput("int", "Choose integer:", -10, 10, 1, 1),
Then, we plug router into Shiny server (note:
at the beginning).
server <- function(input, output, session) {
In theory that would be it, but additionally we can also introduce
the mechanism of catching the parameters from the URL. We will use
function. Our modified Server code may look
like this:
server <- function(input, output, session) {
component <- reactive({
if (is.null(get_query_param()$add)) {
output$power_of_input <- renderUI({
"I display input increased by <code>add</code> GET parameter from app url and pass result to <code>output$power_of_input</code>: ",
as.numeric(input$int) + component()))
It’s time to run it.
shinyApp(ui, server)
Here you can see the final result:
Feel free to copy the code of this example and test it on your own!