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A good tooltip briefly describes unlabeled controls or provides a bit of additional information about labeled controls, when this is useful. It can also help customers navigate the UI by offering additional—not redundant—information about control labels, icons, and links. A tooltip should always add valuable information; use sparingly.

There are two components you can use to display a tooltip:

  • Tooltip: A styled tooltip that you can display on a chosen target.

  • TooltipHost: A wrapper that automatically shows a tooltip when the wrapped element is hovered or focused.

For more details and examples visit the official docs. The R package cannot handle each and every case, so for advanced use cases you need to work using the original docs to achieve the desired result.





Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section.


Object with shiny.tag class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app.


  • calloutProps ICalloutProps
    Additional properties to pass through for Callout.

  • className string
    Class name to apply to the tooltip itself, not the host. To apply a class to the host, use hostClassName or styles.root.

  • closeDelay number
    Number of milliseconds to delay closing the tooltip, so that the user has time to hover over the tooltip and interact with it. Hovering over the tooltip will count as hovering over the host, so that the tooltip will stay open if the user is actively interacting with it.

  • componentRef IRefObject<ITooltipHost>
    Optional callback to access the ITooltipHost interface. Use this instead of ref for accessing the public methods and properties of the component.

  • content string | JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]
    Content to display in the Tooltip.

  • delay TooltipDelay
    Length of delay before showing the tooltip on hover.

  • directionalHint DirectionalHint
    How the tooltip should be anchored to its targetElement.

  • directionalHintForRTL DirectionalHint
    How the element should be positioned in RTL layouts. If not specified, a mirror of directionalHint will be used.

  • hostClassName string
    Class name to apply to tooltip host.

  • id string
    Optional ID to pass through to the tooltip (not used on the host itself). Auto-generated if not provided.

  • onTooltipToggle onTooltipToggle?(isTooltipVisible: boolean): void;
    Notifies when tooltip becomes visible or hidden, whatever the trigger was.

  • overflowMode TooltipOverflowMode
    If this is unset (the default), the tooltip is always shown even if there's no overflow.If set, only show the tooltip if the specified element (Self or Parent) has overflow. When set to Parent, the parent element is also used as the tooltip's target element.Note that even with Self mode, the TooltipHost does not check whether any children have overflow.

  • setAriaDescribedBy boolean
    Whether or not to mark the TooltipHost root element as described by the tooltip. If not specified, the caller should pass an id to the TooltipHost (to be passed through to the Tooltip) and mark the appropriate element as aria-describedby the id.

  • styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<ITooltipHostStyleProps, ITooltipHostStyles>
    Call to provide customized styling that will layer on top of the variant rules.

  • theme ITheme
    Theme provided by higher-order component.

  • tooltipProps ITooltipProps
    Additional properties to pass through for Tooltip.

  • calloutProps ICalloutProps
    Properties to pass through for Callout.

  • componentRef IRefObject<ITooltip>
    Optional callback to access the ITooltip interface. Use this instead of ref for accessing the public methods and properties of the component.

  • content string | JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]
    Content to be passed to the tooltip

  • delay TooltipDelay
    Length of delay. Set to if you do not want a delay.

  • directionalHint DirectionalHint
    How the tooltip should be anchored to its targetElement.

  • directionalHintForRTL DirectionalHint
    How the element should be positioned in RTL layouts. If not specified, a mirror of directionalHint will be used instead

  • maxWidth string | null
    Max width of tooltip

  • onRenderContent IRenderFunction<ITooltipProps>
    Render function to populate tooltip content.

  • styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<ITooltipStyleProps, ITooltipStyles>
    Call to provide customized styling that will layer on top of the variant rules.

  • targetElement HTMLElement
    Element to anchor the Tooltip to.

  • theme ITheme
    Theme provided by higher-order component.

Best practices


  • Don’t use a tooltip to restate a button name that’s already shown in the UI.

  • When a control or UI element is unlabeled, use a simple, descriptive noun phrase. For example: “Highlighting pen”. Only capitalize the first word (unless a subsequent word is a proper noun), and don’t use a period.

  • For a disabled control that could use an explanation, provide a brief description of the state in which the control will be enabled. For example: “This feature is available for line charts.”

  • Only use periods for complete sentences.

For a UI label that needs some explanation:

  • Briefly describe what you can do with the UI element.

  • Use the imperative verb form. For example, "Find text in this file" (not "Finds text in this file").

  • Don't include end punctuation unless there is at least one complete sentence.

For a truncated label or a label that’s likely to truncate in some languages:

  • Provide the untruncated label in the tooltip.

  • Don't provide a tooltip if the untruncated info is provided elsewhere on the page or flow.

  • Optional: On another line, provide a clarifying description, but only if needed.



ui <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
    content = "This is the tooltip content",
    delay = 0,
    Text("Hover over me")

server <- function(id) {
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {})

if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))