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CommandBar is a surface that houses commands that operate on the content of the window, panel, or parent region it resides above. CommandBars are one of the most visible and recognizable ways to surface commands, and can be an intuitive method for interacting with content on the page; however, if overloaded or poorly organized, they can be difficult to use and hide valuable commands from your user. CommandBars can also display a search box for finding content, hold simple commands as well as menus, or display the status of ongoing actions.

Commands should be sorted in order of importance, from left-to-right or right-to-left depending on the culture. Secondarily, organize commands in logical groupings for easier recall. CommandBars work best when they display no more than 5-7 commands. This helps users quickly find your most valuable features. If you need to show more commands, consider using the overflow menu. If you need to render status or viewing controls, these go on the right side of the CommandBar (or left side if in a left-to-right experience). Do not display more than 2-3 items on the right side as it will make the overall CommandBar difficult to parse.

All command items should have an icon and a label. Commands can render as labels only as well. In smaller widths, commands can just use icon only, but only for the most recognizable and frequently used commands. All other commands should go into an overflow where text labels can be shown.

For more details and examples visit the official docs. The R package cannot handle each and every case, so for advanced use cases you need to work using the original docs to achieve the desired result.



CommandBar.shinyInput(inputId, ..., itemValueGetter = function(el) el$key)



Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section.


ID of the component. Value of the clicked CommandBarItem will be sent to this ID.


A function that takes a CommandBarItem and returns a value to be sent to Shiny. By default it returns key of the item.


Object with shiny.tag class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app.


  • buttonStyles IButtonStyles
    Custom styles for individual button

  • cacheKey string
    A custom cache key to be used for this item. If cacheKey is changed, the cache will invalidate. Defaults to key value.

  • commandBarButtonAs IComponentAs<ICommandBarItemProps>
    Method to override the render of the individual command bar button. Not used when item is rendered in overflow.

  • iconOnly boolean
    Show only an icon for this item, not text. Does not apply if item is in the overflow.

  • renderedInOverflow boolean
    Context under which the item is being rendered. This value is mutated by the CommandBar and is useful for adjusting the onRender function.

  • tooltipHostProps ITooltipHostProps
    Props for the tooltip when in iconOnly mode.

  • ariaLabel string
    Accessibility text to be read by the screen reader when the user's focus enters the command bar. The screen reader will read this text after reading information about the first focusable item in the command bar.

  • buttonAs IComponentAs<IButtonProps>
    Custom component for the near and far item buttons. Not used for overflow menu items.

  • className string
    Additional css class to apply to the command bar

  • componentRef IRefObject<ICommandBar>
    Optional callback to access the ICommandBar interface. Use this instead of ref for accessing the public methods and properties of the component.

  • dataDidRender (renderedData: any) => void
    Function to be called every time data is rendered. It provides the data that was actually rendered. A use case would be adding telemetry when a particular control is shown in an overflow or dropped as a result of onReduceData, or to count the number of renders that an implementation of onReduceData triggers.

  • farItems ICommandBarItemProps[]
    Items to render on the right side (or left, in RTL). ICommandBarItemProps extends IContextualMenuItem.

  • items ICommandBarItemProps[]
    Items to render. ICommandBarItemProps extends IContextualMenuItem.

  • onDataGrown (movedItem: ICommandBarItemProps) => void
    Callback invoked when data has been grown.

  • onDataReduced (movedItem: ICommandBarItemProps) => void
    Callback invoked when data has been reduced.

  • onGrowData (data: ICommandBarData) => ICommandBarData | undefined
    Custom function to grow data if items are too small for the given space. Return undefined if no more steps can be taken to avoid infinate loop.

  • onReduceData (data: ICommandBarData) => ICommandBarData | undefined
    Custom function to reduce data if items do not fit in given space. Return undefined if no more steps can be taken to avoid infinate loop.

  • overflowButtonAs IComponentAs<IButtonProps>
    Custom component for the overflow button.

  • overflowButtonProps IButtonProps
    Props to be passed to overflow button. If menuProps are passed through this prop, any items provided will be prepended to any computed overflow items.

  • overflowItems ICommandBarItemProps[]
    Default items to have in the overflow menu. ICommandBarItemProps extends IContextualMenuItem.

  • shiftOnReduce boolean
    When true, items will be 'shifted' off the front of the array when reduced, and unshifted during grow.

  • styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<ICommandBarStyleProps, ICommandBarStyles>
    Customized styling that will layer on top of the variant rules.

  • theme ITheme
    Theme provided by HOC.



items <- function(ns) {
      key = ns("newItem"),
      text = "New",
      cacheKey = "myCacheKey",
      split = TRUE,
      iconProps = list(iconName = "Add"),
      subMenuProps = list(
        items = list(
            key = ns("emailMessage"),
            text = "Email message",
            iconProps = list(iconName = "Mail")
            key = ns("calendarEvent"),
            text = "Calendar event",
            iconProps = list(iconName = "Calendar")
      key = ns("upload"),
      text = "Upload",
      iconProps = list(iconName = "Upload")
      key = ns("share"),
      text = "Share",
      iconProps = list(iconName = "Share")
      key = ns("download"),
      text = "Download",
      iconProps = list(iconName = "Download")

farItems <- function(ns) {
      key = ns("tile"),
      text = "Grid view",
      ariaLabel = "Grid view",
      iconOnly = TRUE,
      iconProps = list(iconName = "Tiles")
      key = ns("info"),
      text = "Info",
      ariaLabel = "Info",
      iconOnly = TRUE,
      iconProps = list(iconName = "Info")

ui <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
      items = items(ns),
      farItems = farItems(ns)
      inputId = ns("commandBar"),
      items = items(identity),
      farItems = farItems(identity)

server <- function(id) {
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
    commandBarItemClicked <- reactiveVal()
    observeEvent(input$newItem, commandBarItemClicked("newItem clicked (explicitly observed)"))
    observeEvent(input$upload, commandBarItemClicked("upload clicked (explicitly observed)"))
    output$commandBarItems <- renderText(commandBarItemClicked())
    output$commandBar <- renderText(input$commandBar)

if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))