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shiny.emptystate allows for easy creation and handling of empty state components in a Shiny application. Users can create empty state components by creating their own html contents. This means that users can also include images, including those from illustration services like DrawKit and unDraw, in their empty states.

Including Images

Using images as empty state can be as easy as providing the src in shiny::tags$image()/shiny::tags$img().

For vanilla Shiny, we suggest storing your images in a directory within www. When creating the empty state manager, either use the path to the image, e.g. www/img/image.png as src

empty_state_manager <- EmptyStateManager$new(
    id = "myElement",
    html_content = tags$image(src = "www/img/image.png")

Or if you are using the utility function empty_state_component(),

empty_state <- empty_state_component(
  content = tags$img(src = "www/img/image.png"),
  title = "No content to display"

For a Rhino application, we suggest storing images in a directory within app/static. Rhino encourages the use of Shiny modules, so when creating an empty state manager always namespace the id of the element you want to handle.

If the image is in app/static/img/image.png, you can use the same code as above. Update the src path accordingly.

# In your module's server function
ns <- session$ns

empty_state_manager <- EmptyStateManager$new(
    id = ns("myElement"),
    html_content = tags$image(src = "app/static/img/image.png")
empty_state <- empty_state_component(
  content = tags$img(src = "app/static/img/image.png"),
  title = "No content to display"

All image file formats (including gif) should work, but we suggest using png and svg. URL paths can also work, but we suggest keeping the images in the application’s directory path.

The size of the images can be specified inline, e.g. style = "height = "10rem", or through CSS.

Using Images from DrawKit/unDraw

Important: Before using illustrations from the mentioned services, please get acquainted with their respective licenses: DrawKit License, unDraw License.

We will use an image from unDraw as an example.

For vanilla Shiny, the path to the image can be www/undraw_spreadsheet_re_cn18.svg.

For Rhino, path to the image can be app/static/img/undraw_spreadsheet_re_cn18.svg but the path passed to src should only be /static/img/undraw_spreadsheet_re_cn18.svg.

The example below works for vanilla Shiny.


ui <-
        "body > div.container-fluid {
          display: flex;
          flex-direction: column;
          align-items: center;

        #my_table {
          margin-top: 5rem;
          margin-bottom: 2rem;

        #my_image {
          height: 25rem;

        #toggle_emptystate_buttons {
          display: flex;
          flex-direction: row;
          align-items: center;

        #show {
          border-color: transparent;
          border: 0;
          background-color: #3838fa;
          color: white;
          font-weight: 600;
          margin-right: 0.25rem;

        #hide {
          border-color: transparent;
          border: 0;
          background-color: #9c9cfc;
          color: black;
          font-weight: 600;
          margin-left: 0.25rem;
    reactableOutput("my_table", width = "60%"),
      id = "toggle_emptystate_buttons",
      actionButton("show", "Show empty state!"),
      actionButton("hide", "Hide empty state!")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  empty_state_content <-
      tags$image(id = "my_image", src = "undraw_spreadsheet_re_cn18.svg"),
      title = "Please hide empty state to see the table",
      subtitle = tags$span(
        "Image downloaded from ", 
        tags$a("unDraw", href = "")

  empty_state_manager <- EmptyStateManager$new(
    id = "my_table",
    html_content = empty_state_content

  observeEvent(input$show, {

  observeEvent(input$hide, {

  output$my_table <- reactable::renderReactable({

shinyApp(ui, server)

shiny.emptystate element using image from unDraw

Note that the empty state component was built using empty_state_component(), but you can create a more customized empty state component that will allow you to use more than one image. Adding ids on images may also be useful when it comes to styling, e.g. setting the proper image size via CSS.