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This tutorial will show you how to seamlessly use React components in your Rhino application. It assumes that you already have some experience with React, the popular JavaScript library for creating web interfaces.

Familiarity with shiny.react, or with packages based on it (shiny.fluent, shiny.blueprint) will be helpful, but it is not a requirement.

Before starting make sure that you have installed:

  1. Rhino 1.4 or later. You can install the latest version with install.packages("rhino").
  2. Node.js v12 or later. You can download the latest version from

Starting off

To start off, let’s initialize a fresh Rhino application. Launch the R console in an empty directory and run:


To use React in Rhino we need to add the shiny.react package to our project dependencies:


Now, there are three steps to add a React component to your Rhino application:

  1. Define the component using JSX.
  2. Declare the component in R.
  3. Use the component in your application.

Let’s go through these steps to add a simple Reveal component to our app.

Defining the component

We will use JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript, to define our component. Create a Reveal.jsx file in the app/js directory with the following content:

const { useState } = React;

export default function Reveal({ id, children }) {
  const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
  return (
    <div id={id}>
      <button type="button" onClick={() => setVisible(!visible)}>
        {visible ? 'Hide' : 'Show'}
      {visible && children}

The Reveal component is just a <div> with the provided ID, and a button which can be used to show or hide its children.

To make this component available for Rhino, we need to register it. Edit the app/js/index.js file like so:

import Reveal from './Reveal';

Rhino.registerReactComponents({ Reveal });

Rhino is a global variable which can be used without any declaration, similar to Shiny. The registerReactComponents() function takes an object mapping component names to their definitions ({ Reveal } is a shorthand for { Reveal: Reveal }).

Lastly, we need to build our JavaScript:


This will create the app/static/js/app.min.js file which will be automatically included by Rhino.

Declaring the component

Declaring the component simply means creating a function which will allow us to use the component in R. Let’s create a new react.R file in the app/view directory:


#' @export
Reveal <- react_component("Reveal")

The name passed to rhino::react_component() has to match the name used in the call to registerReactComponents() in the previous step.

Using the component

Let’s use our Reveal component to wrap the entire UI of our application. Edit the app/main.R file like so:

  shiny[bootstrapPage, div, moduleServer, NS, renderUI, tags, uiOutput],
  app/view/react[Reveal], # Import the component.

#' @export
ui <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
    # Use the component.
      # Named arguments become props.
      id = ns("reveal"),
      # Unnamed arguments become children.

#' @export
server <- function(id) {
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
    output$message <- renderUI({
        style = "display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100vh;",
          tags$a("Check out Rhino docs!", href = "")

Reveal is a function representing our component. Named arguments will be passed to the component as props, while unnamed arguments will become its children.

The return value of the Reveal function is a shiny.tag object. It can be used in the UI definition of your application, or rendered dynamically using either shiny::renderUI() or shiny.react::renderReact(). This object behaves much like vanilla Shiny components and can be freely mixed with them, as the example illustrates.

We can now run the application and see our component in action:


Testing the component

As a bonus, let’s write a Cypress end-to-end test to check if our component works as expected. Edit the tests/cypress/integration/app.spec.js file as follows:

describe('app', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {

  it('works with React components', () => {
    cy.get('#app-reveal button').click();
    cy.get('#app-reveal').contains('Check out Rhino docs!');

This code tells Cypress to click the button found in the element with ID #app-reveal, and then to verify that it contains a Check out Rhino docs! string. To run this test we can use:


You can learn more about Cypress tests in our Tutorial: Write end-to-end tests with Cypress.


After this tutorial you should know how to add React components to your Rhino application. To get a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanism, take a look at shiny.react tutorial.