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R Shiny wrapper for Gosling.js - Grammar-based Toolkit for Scalable and Interactive Genomics Data Visualization

Based on gosling.js and powered by shiny.react.

Getting started

To install the packages, run:

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


Take a look at basic example app to start working with shiny.gosling.

To learn about the Gosling language, follow Gosling docs.


Use the run_example function in order to see the working examples: For example to run the multiTrackApp example:


Here is a preview of what’s there:

Simple Single Track Shiny App

Simple Single Track Shiny App
Simple Single Track Shiny App

Interactive Circular Plot with Linear Brush

Circular Plot with Linear Brush
Circular Plot with Linear Brush

SARS CoV 2 Example

SARS CoV 2 Example
SARS CoV 2 Example


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