Create a tab box with additional UI elements.
title = NULL,
color = "",
ribbon = TRUE,
title_side = "top right",
collapsible = TRUE,
width = 8,
id = NULL,
title = NULL,
color = "",
ribbon = TRUE,
title_side = "top right",
collapsible = TRUE,
width = 8,
id = NULL,
- tabs
Tabs to include within the box.
- title
Label of the box.
- color
Color of the box. One of
c("", "red", "orange", "yellow", "olive", "green", "teal", "blue", "violet", "purple", "pink", "brown", "grey", "black")
- ribbon
Should label be presented as ribbon.
- title_side
Side of a label. One of
c("top", "bottom", "top left", "top right", "bottom left", "bottom right")
ifribbon = FALSE
, or one ofc("top left", "top right")
ifribbon = TRUE
- collapsible
Should minimize button be added to label.
- width
Width of the box.
- id
ID of the box.
- ...
other elements of the box.
A box that can be passed to dashboardBody
tabBox(title = "Sample tab box", color = "blue", width = 5,
tabs = list(
list(menu = "First Tab", content = "This is first tab"),
list(menu = "Second Tab", content = "This is second tab")
#> <div class="five wide column">
#> <div class="ui segment raised blue">
#> <div id="box_750512081470292169253906552817" class="ui accordion">
#> <div id="title_750512081470292169253906552817" class="title" style="cursor: auto">
#> <div class="ui top right ribbon label blue">
#> <i class="minus icon" style="cursor: pointer;"></i>
#> Sample tab box
#> </div>
#> </div>
#> <div class="content active">
#> <div>
#> <div id="menu-fmmyucmrwtkdbirslsqj" class="ui menu sem top attached tabular">
#> <a class="item active" data-tab="tab-aaglvijbfglzvnegslqe">First Tab</a>
#> <a class="item " data-tab="tab-qmfaamrewkadgwxbhisi">Second Tab</a>
#> </div>
#> <div class="ui tab bottom attached grid segment active" data-tab="tab-aaglvijbfglzvnegslqe">This is first tab</div>
#> <div class="ui tab bottom attached grid segment " data-tab="tab-qmfaamrewkadgwxbhisi">This is second tab</div>
#> </div>
#> </div>
#> </div>
#> </div>
#> <script>$(document).ready(function() {$('#box_750512081470292169253906552817').accordion({
#> selector: { trigger: '#title_750512081470292169253906552817 > .label > .icon' },
#> onOpening: function() { $('#title_750512081470292169253906552817 > .label > .icon').removeClass('plus').addClass('minus'); },
#> onClosing: function() { $('#title_750512081470292169253906552817 > .label > .icon').removeClass('minus').addClass('plus'); }
#> }); })</script>
#> </div>