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This document contains guidelines specific to Rhino. Appsilon’s general contributing guidelines still apply.

Contributing to Rhino

Pull requests to Rhino are welcome!

Tool Command devtools equivalent Comment
Unit tests testthat::test_local() devtools::test()
Linter lintr::lint_package() devtools::lint()
pkgdown site pkgdown::build_site() devtools::build_site() If built successfully, the website will be in docs directory. Requires pkgdown version >= 2.0.0.

Development Process

  1. We follow Scrum.
  2. All changes are introduced in pull requests, which must be peer-reviewed. The reviewer inspects the code, tests the changes and checks them against the DoD before approving.
  3. The develop branch is the base for our regular work. It is set as the “default” branch on GitHub so that PRs automatically target it and closes keyword works in issue descriptions.
  4. The main branch is used for releases. We regularly merge develop into main, increment the version number and tag a new release on GitHub.
  5. We follow the Semantic Versioning scheme.

Definition of Done

  1. The PR has at least 1 approval and 0 change requests.
  2. The CI passes (R CMD check, linter, unit tests).
  3. The change is thoroughly documented.