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Uses the {lintr} package to check all R sources in the app and tests/testthat directories for style errors.


lint_r(paths = NULL)



Character vector of directories and files to lint. When NULL (the default), check app and tests/testthat directories.


None. This function is called for side effects.


The linter rules can be adjusted in the .lintr file.

You can set the maximum number of accepted style errors with the legacy_max_lint_r_errors option in rhino.yml. This can be useful when inheriting legacy code with multiple styling issues.

The box.linters::namespaced_function_calls() linter requires the {treesitter} and {treesitter.r} packages. These require R >= 4.3.0. lint_r() will continue to run and skip namespaced_function_calls() if its dependencies are not available.