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Rhino (>= 1.8.0)

Projects created with rhino version 1.8.0 and later come preconfigured with a .lintr file.

    defaults = box.linters::rhino_default_linters,
    line_length_linter = lintr::line_length_linter(100)

Using box.linters with an existing Rhino (< 1.8.0) project

Refer to the Rhino 1.8 Migration Guide to upgrade to the latest version.

The following code is used to setup your .lintr config file.

box.linters::use_box_lintr(type = "rhino")

Active box-compatible linters for rhino

All linter functions included in the box.linters package are activated for Rhino projects. Please refer to the Rhino style guide for more information.

Linting a Rhino project

Use the helper function included in the rhino package to lint your Rhino project.
