AlphaFoldDetails shiny element
AlphaFoldDetails shiny element
- class
character string for the class name to apply to the outer parent element.
- uniProtId
a character string containing a UniProt id that is in the AlphaFold database.
- showFiles
a logical value indicating if the download links to the files in the database should be shown in a div.
- showPae
a logical value indicating if the predicted aligned error image should be shown.
- ...
Component other props and children.
AlphaFoldDetails(uniProtId = "A0A1U8FD60", showPae = TRUE, showFiles = TRUE)
#> <div class="react-container" data-react-id="cvpeammhtuweaikfkbkz">
#> <script class="react-data" type="application/json">{"type":"element","module":"@/shiny.molstar","name":"AlphaFoldDetails","props":{"type":"raw","value":{"className":null,"uniProtId":"A0A1U8FD60","showFiles":true,"showPae":true}}}</script>
#> <script>jsmodule['@/shiny.react'].findAndRenderReactData('cvpeammhtuweaikfkbkz')</script>
#> </div>